Hi guys! I'm back after how many years! Finally got some guts to showcase everything, also with the help of my friends pushing me to give this blog a go. I don't even know how to start things, but then my mind tells me to just go with the flow. hehehe.
test shot. lol
I'm your millennial mom on the corner. I will share with you my journey along with my family and friends. This blog is my day to day learning being a working mom especially with my 6 year old daughter Lilo. Expect to see more of her on my blog. Also, random stuffs I come across with like my k-drama routine/oppas to love,food and things (#foodie alert!). First, more random cutie pics to start this thing right! 😊
the apple of my eye. Lilo! 😍
doggo 1
doggo 2